
December 6, 2005 (All day) - December 8, 2005 (All day)
Basekamp, Philadelphia (and various locations)

Dates: December 6, 7 & 8th, 5-9 PM
Location: Basekamp space
Description: 3 evenings of events on 3 continents: China, the US, and Sweden

Date: Thursday Dec 8th, during the last event.
Location: Basekamp space
Description: Book release of “I Am A Curator”, ed. by Per Hüttner

What is Participate?

An interactive project by Per Hüttner (Paris) in collaboration with Ciceron group (Norrköping, Sweden) and basekamp (Philadelphia).

Welcome to Participate? an exhibition that differs from other contemporary art exhibitions. It invites the visitor to the gallery to actively engage with the displayed artwork and physically change the exhibition. He or she can thus change the size, location, and sometimes even the design of some of the specially designed wall paintings. Likewise the audience can move around, change and develop specially designed sculptural work and choose the number, placement, and selection of various video-pieces or decide whether to show them projected onto a wall or shown on a monitor.

The exhibition discusses the problems and benefits of democracy by allowing the visitor enter into the process of making the exhibition. It will change according to the democratic process (or lack thereof) in the country where it is shown. The project was first shown at the Chinese European Art Center in Xiamen. Basekamp is the second stop of the travelling exhibition and it will finally be shown at Krafstationen i Drags in Sweden in February 2006.

Participate? is a vehicle for encouraging a discussion about the role of democracy, art and how they are interlinked in contemporary society. We warmly invite you to basekamp to come and enjoy a drink at the democratic bar, join the discussions and if you feel like it participate in the ongoing changes of the exhibition!

With artworks by:

Active Space Renaud Bezy Heidi Cody Hasan Elahi
Ivan Fayard Ghazel Emmanuelle Mafille Valérie Mréjen
Stéphanie Nava Louise Nilsson Tomas Nordmark
Leigh Stevens Frida Thorell Ben Volta Brigitte Zieger

photos from xiamen
ciceron group

The project is supported by Moderna Museets International Program, Stockholm, The Consulate General of Sweden in Canton, Linköping University, Sweden, and the West Collection, US.